The Vegas Scarf (AKA The Knitting Game)

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Update: see end of post for information about a downloadable pattern pdf

A knitting game, you ask? Is such a thing possible?

“Yes!” I say.

This game evolved from a challenge I was given in my knitting class to knit a “random” scarf- we had to select a bunch of varying yarns in colors we liked and work them in knit and purl rows to form a scarf. It was to be an exercise in the textures you can achieve with those two little stitches.

Ahem. I can’t do “random”.  I needed to come up with a way to be random with as much control as possible…and the Knitting Game was born.

It’s so easy to play along! All you need is 6 balls of yarn, 1 die, 1 coin, and a long circular knitting needle that is a bit larger than the average thickness of your chosen yarns. I used a 9 US/5.5mm but if you are using mostly aran weight and thicker, you might want to choose something bigger.

On a piece of paper, assign each of the 6 skeins to a number 1 through 6.

Also assign the “heads” and “tails” of the coin to knit and purl (not necessarily in that order).

You also need to decide how long to make the scarf. I wanted mine about 6′ long including a 4″ fringe at each end, so I cast on enough sts to be about 5′ long.

Now the fun part!

Step 1: Roll the die to get a number.  Cast on with the yarn that matches that number.  Cut yarn, leaving a 4″ tail.

Step 2: Roll the die to get a number.  Toss the coin to get “heads” or “tails”, and depending on what you designated “heads” or “tails” to be, it tells you to knit or purl that row.

Follow the directions of fate across the row using the yarn that matched the number you rolled on the die.  Make sure to start with a 4″ tail left loose, and cut the yarn at the end of the row, leaving a 4″ tail.

The 4” of loose yarn at the beginning and end of the row will become your fringe.

Step 3: Repeat step 2 until the scarf reaches your desired width.

Step 4: Once the scarf is the width you would like, roll the die to get a number and bind off with the yarn matching the number you rolled.  Don’t forget to leave a 4″ tail when you cut the yarn.

Knot the yarn ends together in groups of 2-5 strands to secure, and trim if necessary.

Voila! A completely random scarf that fulfills any need for control while leaving things totally up to chance! The coolest part is that no two scarves will ever be alike! 😀


This pattern is on Ravelry here.

This pattern is provided free above, but if you’d prefer an easy-to-print PDF version, I have made it available here for a very small fee. The PDF includes the full instructions in an easy to read layout with full color images.

This pattern was also published in the 2006 Knitting Pattern-A-Day calendar and has been featured in an assortment of guild newsletters as well as been used to run knitting classes/workshops. Future newsletter/class/workshop permissions are granted provided the pattern copies are purchased through me and all credit is given to me as the creator/designer.

*Updated January 2020

Author: Jennifer Lori

Punny dork who makes stuff.

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